The Lauren & Kristen Show

If you don't like it, get your own show.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

pimp this blog

This isn't really relevant and in fact it's highly shameless, but I would like to take a moment to mention that I have another blog, and it gets updated, at a rough estimate, 1438% more frequently than this one.

I now hang my shingle up over at Tom Noir, which is the reincarnation of my original LiveJournal. There I tackle weighty subjects like culture, economics and technology. I'm not saying I have a lot of deep insights, but I do like to point at them and laugh. Also, for those of you with more plebian interests, there's the occasional post on music or why Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is awesome.

Drop in and say Hi. Folks are friendly and the water's warm. We do live in Florida after all.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

watch this space

OK, we're still here. So things happened and we did not get our pilot filmed before Christmas. But it's still going to happen! Rest assured, we will not rest until Lauren and Kristen have personally served many minutes of hilarity to you through Quality Streaming Video.

Watch this space.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Teaser 04: O Tennenbaum

Family is what Christmas is all about. Forget presents and candy canes and getting off work - Christmas means spending Quality Time with those crazy, crazy people you just happen to be related to. In this edition of "Dad's Say the Darnedest Things" Kristen goes Christmas tree shopping with her dad and little brother.

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Teaaser 1: An Inconvenient Lohan

The environment is a very important topic. So is Lindsay Lohan. Guess which one they're talking about here.

Teaser 2: A Firm Grip

That new Nintendo sounds like it must be exciting, what with people tossing the controller through their TV screens and all. It goes by the name of "Wii" (pronounced 'wee') which reminds me of... something. I really don't know what they're talking about in this one, but it seemed funny.

Teaser 3: Apologies to the French

So you know this whole Mariah Carey versus Mary Carey thing, right? Mariah's a pop star, Mary's a porn star. You wouldn't think people would get them confused. But Mariah is suing Mary, just in case.

Monday, December 11, 2006

In Production!

Tom the Producer here.

We're finally filming! We actually shot about fifteen minutes-worth of footage Saturday. It is hi-freaking-larious. The girls were initially a little awkward in front of the camera and all the bright lights we had rigged up but after a little bit they found their groove. We had a white-board behind the camera and we would write topics on them and put them up. Lauren and Kristen would then do what they do best - rant spontaneously and hilariously on the given subject. They never go in the direction you think they're going to with something, which is what makes it so much fun. I think I gave myself a hernia trying to stifle laughter behind the camera. When people see the show they're going to be amazed that it is basically unscripted.

So when will you see the show? Soon! Really! We actually have some teasers that will be posted here within the next couple of days. The first full length episode will be out before the end of the year.

If you don't know Lauren and Kristen, nothing I say or do can prepare you for how funny this is going to be. The teasers will give you a little taste of that, hopefully.

The girls also have a love of all things geek, which gives them a special place in my heart. I was overjoyed to discover, in reviewing what we had shot so far, that Kristen snuck in a Simpson's reference. They also gave us what I think is the most penetrating analysis of Blu-ray versus HD-DVD ever committed to digital video.

Speaking of which, the whole show is very DIY. We're shooting with borrowed cameras in my old bedroom at my parents house. Our lighting system is rigged out of work lamps we bought at Home Depot. I shouldn't be telling you this so that you'll think we're serious pros, but the reality is that figuring out how to do all the stuff we want on the cheap is half the fun.